I am currently Project Manager for EU and International projects at RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden, at the Division of Bioeconomy and Health, at the Department of Agriculture and Food, at the Unit: Agriculture and Horticulture II. I have a PhD in General Linguistics (2009) from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

From 2018 to 2022, I worked as Scientist at the Department of Marketing Research, Seafood Industry Division at Nofima, the Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (NOFIMA AS). Nofima is an applied research institute that works closely with business enterprises in research and development for aquaculture, fisheries and the food industry in Norway. The research divisions of Nofima are located in Averøy, Bergen, Sunndalsøra, Stavanger, Tromsø (headquarters) and Ås.

From 2019 to 2022, I was a contributing author in the IPBES Nexus Assessment. IPBES, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is an independent intergovernmental body established in 2012 by 94 Governments based on the Busan outcome. It is a United Nations Environment Programmme (UNEP) initiative. I am reviewer to a number of academic journals. In 2014 and 2016, I was voted to the Best Reviewers list for the European International Business Academy (EIBA) conferences. I am since many years also a reviewer of contributions to IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), the European Academy of Management (EURAM). I also teach Language as Research Method in the International Business and Trade (IBT) Master of Science program at the university, and supervise students in their master thesis project.

From spring 2013 to summer of 2018, I was research faculty at the Centre for International Business Studies (CIBS), School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg (HGU), Sweden. I worked mostly in univerisity-industry research and innovation (R&I) projects, combining academia with executive project management. From 2015 to 2018, I was Principal Investigator and Project Manager for a three year research project that investigated the applications of the combined models of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The method for data analysis is a combined qualitative and quantitative text analysis (QTA) framework. The project was funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, RJ) under the RJ Flexit program. This research study was done in collaboration with the Swedish-Swiss multinational enterprise ABB, User Experience and Industrial Design group at ABB Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden.

In 2014, together with Claes G. Alvstam (1949-2021), who was Professor Emeritus in Economic Geography and formerly Vice Dean of HGU, I worked on a research project funded by the Anna Ahrenberg Foundation entitled ”Gothenburg in Asia, Asia in Gothenburg” (2014-2015). The investigates the future implications of increasing Asian-Swedish cooperation within the field of international business. The project is aligned with the 400 years anniversary of the city of Gothenburg in 2021, and falls under Kunskap Göteborg 2021, a project initiated by city representatives of Gothenburg, Göteborg & Co, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. The narratives of the project are published in eBook format entitled , Gothenburg in Asia , Asia in Gothenburg, and can be found on several eBook platforms.

As member of the CIBS faculty, I was part of the joint research project entitled ”International Business Research in an Era of Global Spatial Reconfiguration: Corporate Restructuring in the Global Automotive Industry; The Disinvestments of GM and Ford and the Entry of China.” This project was funded by the Torsten Söderberg Research Foundation (2011-2016).

Between 2003-2006, I was awarded a scholarship by the Anna Ahrenberg Foundation in Sweden to pursue a PhD in general linguistics at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg. I worked with Sten Jönsson, Professor Emeritus in management and organisation at the Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI) as associate doctoral student on the Nordic Integration (INNOM) project that studied the business integration processes of companies located in Scandinavia. My research interests included systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and its discourse analysis application in the study of the Scandinavian management style. My doctoral thesis is titled, Swedish management in Singapore: A discourse analysis study (2009).

I participate in a number of international academic networks, such as the Academy of International Business (AIB), European Academy of Management (EURAM), European International Business Association (EIBA), Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), China Goes Global (CGG), Groupe d’Études Management & Language (GEM&L) and IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT). In 2010, I was a member of the organization committee of the European Association for Research in Services (RESER) network conference in Gothenburg, and was in the RESER conference planning committee for its 2018 conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Prior to moving to Sweden in 2002, I pursued all academic interests in Singapore, of which my post-graduate years were founded in the two disciplines of linguistics and information studies. In 2000/1, I graduated with two separate Master Degrees, a Master of Science in Information Studies from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, and a Master of Arts in the English Language from the National University of Singapore (NUS).

In 1999, I held the title, Miss Singapore Universe 1999, and represented the Republic of Singapore at the international Miss Universe Pageant in Trinidad and Tobago. With this, came a variety of film, educational TV, media, and ambassadorial work with the Singapore Tourism Board.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro | PhD MSc MA

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