HCII 2023 Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28
Communicating Sustainability Online: A Soft Systems Methodology and Corpus Linguistics Approach in the Example of Norwegian Seafood Companies

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in Business, Government and Organizations, 10th International Conference, HCIBGO 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part II Conference proceedings 2023.


This article presents a qualitative case study of the Norwegian seafood industry’s sustainability communication on corporate websites. The research questions focused on how sustainability is communicated, and the communication channels employed by Norwegian seafood companies. The study found that sustainability is communicated through ecological certification, awareness towards the environment and social compliance, and engagement in knowledge exchange. The study highlights the need to create standardized language and a coherent discourse for competitive advantages in ecologically value-added products and digital services. Companies can use underutilized digital resources such as podcasts and direct online sales to consumers to improve stakeholder engagement. The study suggests the direct and active involvement of consumers in designing products that consumers desire, which can increase market share for the Norwegian seafood industry. The limitations of the study are the lack of feedback from small to medium-sized companies, limiting the generalizability of the findings. The study recommends that the Norwegian seafood industry supports developing digital service resources for small and medium-sized companies to remain competitive in the long term.


sustainability, corporate online communication, seafood, soft systems methodology, corpus linguistics

Cite as:
Lindström, N.B., Cordeiro, C.M. (2023). Communicating Sustainability Online: A Soft Systems Methodology and Corpus Linguistics Approach in the Example of Norwegian Seafood Companies. In: Nah, F., Siau, K. (eds) HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14039. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36049-7_25

Book chapter publications, edited series

Chapter 2 Emerging management concepts in an era of global transitions:Co-management of natural resources and the Swedish management style.

Reference Cordeiro, C. M. (2021). Emerging management concepts in an era of global transitions: Co-management of natural resources and the Swedish management style. In Saruchera, F. (Ed.), Advanced Perspectives on Global Industry Transitions and Business Opportunities (pp. 21-39). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-4303-0.ch002

Abstract In a period of global transition, this chapter discusses emerging management practices in the context of natural resources management in international business. In the past decades, the co-management concept and practice have been of increasing interest to scholars in ecology management and marine environment management. In the late 1980s, the Swedish management style began to be explicitly de-bated with scholarly interest, particularly in the services industry after observing successful business practices. The literature on the co-management of natural resources and the Swedish management style in multinational enterprises point promisingly towards parallel management strategies applied in dis-tinctly different working environments and contexts. Based on empirical data, this chapter’s objective is to highlight and distill from natural resources co-management and the Swedish management style a shared management best-practice approach in working contexts that have multiple actors and stakehold-ers who hold multicentric agendas.

Chapter 9 Culture from a value systems perspective: A study of CATCH, an interdisciplinary research project in fisheries and aquaculture in Norway

Reference Cordeiro, C.M. & Sogn-Grundvåg, G. (2020). Culture from a value systems perspective: A study of CATCH, an interdisciplinary research project in fisheries and aquaculture in Norway. In R. Brunet-Thornton (ed), Examining Cultural Perspectives in a Globalized World. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0214-3

Abstract International interdisciplinary projects (IDR) are a microcosm of multicultural landscapes. Through a culture theories perspective, in particular, viewing culture as a system of explicitly and implicitly coded values, this chapter conveys the processes and results of a study that investigates and uncovers the management strategies of an IDR project, CATCH. The study of culture from a value systems approach enables a more subtle and nuanced approach to the analysis and framing of cultural heterogeneity in the context of an IDR project, beyond the often dichotomous, cultural dimensions construct. Due to the multiple actors in an IDR project, the example of CATCH illustrates too, a more nuanced view of cultural filters that arise from each academic discipline. Using the culture as value systems perspective, this chapter shows how multicultural landscapes and different resulting knowledges can be leveraged towards an integrated worldview when solving challenges in a globalized world with limited resources.

Continue reading ”Book chapter publications, edited series”

New publication, Oct 2018


Language as heteroglot: The bridging qualities of Swedish-English (SweE) and Singapore Colloquial English (SCE) in cross-cultural working environments



The purpose of this paper is to reframe the role and function of perceived “bad English” in an international business (IB) context to illustrate that “bad English” could in fact facilitate cross-cultural communication in individuals who do not have English as first language.


This study uses the Bakhtinian concept of heteroglossia as a theoretical framework. For the method of analysis, applied linguistics is used in particular through the lens of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) as discourse analysis method to analyze transcribed interview texts. Data collection is via long interviews with 33 top level managers in Swedish managed organizations in Singapore offices.


The study illustrates, through respondent interviews and discourse analysis, that perceived “bad English” could help facilitate communication across cultures in a cross-cultural working context. The study also shows how different individuals, depending on personal experience and cultural background, employ different means to navigate and manage language differences at work. Continue reading ”New publication, Oct 2018”

New publication, April 2018


Which User of technology? Perspectivising the UTAUT model by application of the SFL language Pronoun System towards a systems perspective of technology acceptance and use


This study applies systemic functional linguistics (SFL) as complementary framework of analysis of technology acceptance models (TAMs). The purpose is to bridge research methodology language in international business (IB) studies and engineering management science. Currently TAMs and its consolidated version, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) provides for a typology of one user in one context scenario. The need for the UTAUT model to account for multiple users in multiple work contexts in a single framework of analysis was foregrounded in the study of the workflow processes of a remote services business model of a European founded multinational business enterprise (MBE) with regards to its (i) intra-firm improvements in managing remote services cases, and its (ii) extra-firm selling of life cycle management remote services contracts. The Enterprise has global operations in over 100 countries, of which this study focused on its European operations of improving the quality of remote services for the marine industry. Through an application of SFL unto UTAUT, this study illustrates how multiple users in multiple contexts can be analysed simultaneously, and whose behaviours can be accounted for in a single framework of analysis. The combined SFL UTAUT model addresses the initial statisticity of the UTAUT model, whilst at the same time, expands upon current theoretical perspectives of technology use and acceptance that can be applied in practice.


Research methodology, Unified theory of acceptance and use of Technology (UTAUT), Systemic functional linguistics (SFL), International business, Technology management, Remote service

Cordeiro, C. M. (2018). Which User of technology? Perspectivising the UTAUT model by application of the SFL language Pronoun System towards a systems perspective of technology acceptance and use, ASTESJ Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 3(2): 309-318. DOI: 10.25046/aj030234

Article open access at:

Which User of technology? Perspectivising the UTAUT model by application of the SFL language Pronoun System towards a systems perspective of technology acceptance and use

New publication, March 2018


Using systemic functional linguistics as method in identifying semogenic strategies in intercultural communication: A study of the collocation of “time” and “different” by Swedish managers with international management experiences


Theoretical foundations to intercultural communication (ICC) are integrative and interdisciplinary but few have studied ICC from a systemic linguistics perspective. Viewing communication as a dialogic process, this study takes a systemic functional linguistics (SFL) view of language as a socialsemiotic where semogenesis (meaning making) is both construed and construed by context of situation which in turn is construed by culture. Using interview data collected from Swedish managers who have extensive international management experiences, this study aims to illustrate how SFL can be used as an adaptive theory and framework of discourse analysis in uncovering semogenic strategies in ICC processes.


systemic functional linguistics; social semiotics; intercultural communication; cross-culture communication; semogenesis; semogenic strategies; adaptive linguistic theory

Cordeiro, C. M. (2018). Using systemic functional linguistics as method in identifying semogenic strategies in intercultural communication: A study of the collocation of “time” and “different” by Swedish managers with international management experiences, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, DOI: 10.1080/17475759.2018.1455601

Article open access at:

The theory of Autopoiesis.
Reflections on New Year’s eve of 2018

Text & Photo © JE Nilsson, CM Cordeiro 2017

In the days leading up to the New Year’s eve of 2017, I found myself revisiting what I wrote about the concepts of complexity and autopoiesis a few years ago.

The concept of autopoiesis, organisms as self-generating, was developed by Maturana and Varela [1,2] in the field of biology, primarily as a construct that enabled a distinction to be made between living and nonliving systems. Niklas Luhmann, in his turn adapted this concept from biological systems theory and generalized it for building a new social system theory.

Continue reading ”The theory of Autopoiesis.
Reflections on New Year’s eve of 2018″

New publication, April 2017

Using systemic functional linguistic metafunction as a tool in identifying Agency in organizational change in cross-cultural management contexts


This contribution addresses the echoing sentiment that the function of language is not enough focused on in management as an academic discipline even as it is acknowledged that language lies at the heart of international business (IB) activities that take place in cross-cultural management (CCM) contexts. Organizations operate in contexts of uncertainty and change, finding themselves increasingly having to navigate in cross-cultural environments in the context of globalization and international management. Yet, few studies outside the field of applied linguistics (especially discourse analysis) have used language as an instrumental tool in uncovering the subtle workings of influence in organizational change. Scholastic literature in CCM suggests that language in IB is generally studied in two broad dimensions of inquiry – language as (i) object/phenomenon (nature of language) and as (ii) process/function (nature of meaning from language). Because organizational change can be difficult to define when looking at it as a broad process over time, this article addresses the latter nature of language in CCM and IB studies in illustrating how language metafunctions can be used as a methodological tool in analysing qualitative data in order to uncover Agency or actors of influence in processes of organization change in a cross-cultural working context.

cross-cultural management, international business, systemic functional linguistics, language as research method

Cordeiro, C. M. (2017). Using systemic functional linguistic metafunction as a tool in identifying Agency in organizational change in cross-cultural management contexts. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 17(1): 125 – 135. doi: 10.1177/1470595817694914

Connecting ideas in theoretical physics and the language of education

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Mid-Sweden 2016

Autumn in mid-Sweden 2016.
Text & Photo © CM Cordeiro, Sweden 2016

The reflections in this post stem as part of a theme I’m currently reading on the democratisation of education, based on literature reads Biesta [1], Leathwood [2], Martinsson [3] and Kalonaityté [4], followed by Lekebjer et al. [5]. Amongst the reads, I and was immediately drawn back to Biesta’s life’s work in academia that revolved around education philosophy, only after he began a decade’s work into teaching physics [6]. Continue reading ”Connecting ideas in theoretical physics and the language of education”

Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany 2016, in semiosis

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany 2016

In semiosis at the Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany 2016.
Text & Photo © JE Nilsson, CM Cordeiro, Sweden 2016

Museums are to me, the language of space that affords you to cross time and geographical boundaries, continuing conversations with individuals who once were, picking up subjects where you last left off as if on another coffee break. It is space defined both in its Euclidean sense, and in its Minowskian sense [1]. The former defines an architectural closure and the latter as an interwoven fabric of a spacetime continuum.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany 2016

hunsinger in der Neuen Pinakothek.

Stepping into the Neue Pinakothek felt as if I was once again in close proximity to artists whose works I am familiar with, last seen when I left the Musée d’Orsay in Paris in March 2016. Continue reading ”Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany 2016, in semiosis”