Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 8

The 17th Annual Conference on European Integration, Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics and Business (SNEE) 2015. Colleagues from the UK, Sweden and Norway, stand together with Professor Lars Oxelheim (pictured centre) of Lund University, who is founding Chairman of SNEE, and affiliated to the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm.
Text & Photo © JE Nilsson, CM Cordeiro, Sweden 2015

The 17th annual conference on European Integration in Swedish Economic Research, SNEE 2015, took place at the Grand Hotel in Mölle. As with most conferences, this meeting brought together people who shared complementary research fields in academia regarding European integration efforts. The event also provided the opportunity for academics to meet with some of the most brilliant minds and dedicated individuals in the the service of the Swedish government and the European Commission.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 2

The conference is held annually at the Grand Hotel, Mölle. The hotel sits atop a hill that offers a panoramic view of the houses and harbour below.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 1

The weather was decidedly undecided this year. Sometimes rain, sometimes sunshine, always beautiful.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 9

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 16

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 7

L-R: Dr. Sougand Golesorkhi, Manchester Univerity, UK, Professor Trond Randøy, University of Agder, Norway and Dr. Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 3

Professor Claes G. Alvstam, Director of the Centre for International Business Studies (CIBS), University of Gothenburg, commenting on the keynote address given by Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD, entitled ”The new realities and challenges in global trade – what role for the EU and for developing countries?”.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 4

Keynote address by Kristina Persson, Minister for Strategic Development and Nordic Cooperation, Swedish Government, entitled ”The economic significance of the Nordic region in Europe of tomorrow”.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 14

The ambience outside of the conference presentations proved just as friendly for networking over a good meal.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 15

Lunch the second day began with a terrin of smoked salmon.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 17

In a session for trade and communications in Europe, Dr. Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, presenting a paper entitled ”Waves of trade between Sweden and China: tracing the exchange of goods, services and knowledge between Gothenburg and Shanghai”. The discussant to the paper was Niklas Bergström, who is International Advisor to the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (DG Trade), Trade Promotion and Corporate Relations, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The session was chaired by Mats Hellström, former Minister for Foreign Trade, Sweden.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 18

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 12

The beautifully designed kitchen by evening, at the Grand Hotel, Mölle.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 10

Baked in bite size, bread to dinner, in a bread basket.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 5

Professor Claes G. Alvstam, Director of the Centre for International Business Studies (CIBS), School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 6

Tartar of reindeer, served with salted apple, roasted onion, quail eggs and cream of jerusalem artichoke.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 11

There was nothing lacking in the attention that the conference guests had during lunches, and dinners.

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Molle 13

The bar at the Grand Hotel, Mölle by night.

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