RESER 2017. 7-9 Sep. ES.

The 27th RESER (The European Association for REsearch on SERvices) conference. The crucial role of services in business and cities competitiveness. 7-9 Sep. 2017, Mondragon University, Bilbao, Spain.

Title of Paper

Manifestation of Intent in Product-Service Systems: A study of Type of Sensing in collaborative robots


Scholars in the product-service system (PSS) field of study have acknowl-edged a gap in theoretical frameworks and survey methodologies that can direct scholars and practitioners towards cohesive future methodologies. This study works with the assumption that an underlying cohesive thread in PSSs is the human element of Intent. Taking an applied linguistics methodological approach in the study of Type of Sensing and Intent, this study illustrates how Intent can provide an integral way of studying PSSs. The examples are taken from the study of the development of collaborative robot (CR) PSSs. Founded in data from CR PSSs, the method and findings act as an illustration as to how applied linguistics might contribute as research method to a deeper understanding of the study and conceptualisation of a PSS.


product-service systems, systemic functional linguistics, collaborative robot, research theory


Cordeiro, C. M. (2017). Manifestation of Intent in product-service systems: A study of Type of Sensing in collaborative robots. Paper presented at the 27th RESER conference, The crucial role of services in business and cities competitiveness, Mondragon University, 7-9 Sep. 2017, Bilbao, Spain.

Presentation slides
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Welcome to the archive of all the conference presentations. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to share my insights, research, and knowledge at various conferences and platforms. The drop-down menu at the top bar, under the tab ”Presentations” offers a comprehensive overview of topics I’ve covered. Whether you’re a fellow researcher, an industry expert, or someone simply interested in my work, this page is dedicated to providing you with easy access to my presentations.

  1. WEFTA 2023. 16-20 Oct. DK.
  2. WEFTA 2019. 15-17 Oct. FR.
  3. EURAM 2019. 26-28 Jun. PT.
  4. IRMBAM 2018. 5-7 Jul. FR.
  5. EURAM 2017. 21-24 Jun. GB.
  6. RESER 2017. 7-9 Sep. ES.
  7. ICMIT 2016. 19-22 Sep. TH.
  8. RESER 2016. 8-10 Sep. IT.
  9. GEM&L 2016. 16-18 Mar. FR.
  10. GEM&L 2015. 10-12 Jun. FI.
  11. SNEE 2015. 19-22 May. SE.
  12. SWUFE 2015. 10 Apr. CN.
  13. RJ Flexit2015. 22 Jun. SE.
  14. ICMIT 2014. 23-25 Sep. SG.
  15. SNEE 2014. 20-23 May. SE.
  16. CGG 2014. 19-21 Aug. CN.
  17. EIBA 2014. 11-13 Dec. SE.
  18. FINT 2013. 21-23 Nov. SG.
  19. EAMSA 2012. 31Oct-3Nov. SG.
  20. ICMIT 2012. 11-13 Jun. ID.
  21. ICMIT 2010. 2-5 Jun. SG.

Project publications

RJ Flexit 2015 project nr: RMP15-0954:1 | RMP15-0954:2

Flexit 2015 publication list, as well as link to their own web pages, with open access articles marked OA.

i. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

2018 (OA) Cordeiro, C. M. Which User of technology? Perspectivising the UTAUT model by application of the SFL language Pronoun System towards a systems perspective of technology acceptance and use, ASTESJ Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 3(2): 309-318. doi: 10.25046/aj030234

2018 Cordeiro, C. M. Manifestation of Intent in product-service systems: A study of a type of sensing in collaborative robots. European Review of Service Economics and Management (ERSEM), 1(5):97-132. ISBN: 978-2-406-08063-3 ISSN: 2497-0107 DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-08064-0

ii. Peer Reviewed Conference Articles

2018 Cordeiro, C. M. Which user of technology? Using linguistics to broaden the research framework of acceptance of new technologies in remote services in multinational enterprises. Paper presented at the 28th annual RESER conference, Services in the Age of Contested Globalization, at University of Gothenburg in Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-22 Sep. 2018.

2018 Cordeiro, C. M. Which user of technology? Using linguistics to broaden the research framework of acceptance of new technologies in remote services in multinational enterprises. Paper presented at the 9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM 2018), at the IPAG Business School in Nice, 5-7 July 2018. Online conference program access at[PDF] (OA) Presentation slides at

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. Manifestation of Intent in product-service systems: A study of Type of Sensing in collaborative robots. Paper presented at 27th annual RESER conference, The crucial role of services in business and cities competitiveness, 7-9 Sep. 2017, Mondragon University, Bilbao, Spain. Internet resource at RESER 2017 Proceedings, p. 445-464, Retrieved 1 Nov. 2017. ISBN 978-84-697-5412-2. (OA) Presentation slides at

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. Using the deictic function of pronouns to map perspective and knowledge in research design: A study of computer-supported cooperative work and participatory design in a multinational enterprise Context. Paper presented at the 2017 EURAM Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 21-24 Jun. 2017. [PDF] (OA) Presentation slides at

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. Internationalisation theory perspective of product-service innovation: the Götheborg IV model. Paper presented at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT2016), 19-22 Sep. 2017, Bangkok, Thailand. [Technical program PDF] (OA) Presentation slides at

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. Internationalisation theory perspective of product-service innovation: the Götheborg IV model. Paper presented at the 26th annual RESER Conference, Sep. 8th-10th, 2016, Naples, Italy. In T. Russo-Spena & C. Mele (eds), The 26th Annual RESER 2016 Conference Proceedings, What’s Ahead in Services Research, pp. 544-557. (OA) Presentation slides at

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. Language in its meta-capacity: a translation of perspectives and uncovering the knowledge zones represented in the Uppsala Model of internationalization / globalisation processes. Paper presented at the Groupe d’Études Management & Langage (GEM&L) 10th GEM&L International Conference on Management & Language. Crossing language boundaries in organisations / Le défi des frontières linguistiques dans les organisations, 16-18 Mar. 2016, ESCP EUROPE, 79, avenue de la République Paris 75011, France. [Conference program PDF] (OA) Presentation slides at

iii. Book chapters (edited series) and industry articles

2019 Cordeiro, C. M. On the basis of the Uppsala model: Evolution of European research models and frameworks. In, Gabriele Suder, Monica Riviere and Johan Lindeque (eds), The Routledge Companion to European Business. London: Routledge, pp. 55-68. ISBN: 978- 1- 138- 22658- 6 (hbk) | ISBN: 978- 1- 315- 39730- 6 (ebk) [PDF (preview)]

2018 Cordeiro, C. M. Positioning theoretical perspective in academic writing: Teaching culture theory in International Business studies in the context of Industry 4.0. In R. Brunet-Thornton, & F. Martinez (eds), Analyzing the Impacts of Industry 4.0 in Modern Business Environments, pp. 283-303. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3468-6.ch014

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. Work Engagement in the Era of Industry 4.0: Mapping Perspectives and Knowledge in E-Strategy Implementation. In B. Christiansen & Ü. Yüksel (eds), Technological Integration as a Catalyst for Industrial Development and Economic Growth. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference, pp 189-206. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2319-2.ch007

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. Relativity in Perspective in Culture Theories: The Götheborg IV Model. In B. Christiansen & H.C. Chandan (eds), Handbook of Research on Organizational Culture and Diversity in the Modern Workforce. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference, pp 217-238. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2250-8.ch010

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. The Götheborg IV (G4) Model and the Function of Language in the Globalization Process of the Firm: The Case of Swedish MNEs. In M. Khan (ed.), Multinational Enterprise Management Strategies in Developing Countries, pp. 215-236. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0276-0.ch011

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. Hidden talents: Home-grown pride finds in ABB a stepping stone to further success. In: Singapore Inside, ABB, A. Ramkumar (ed). Internal corporate publication, Singapore ABB Pte Ltd.

iv. Personal webpage publications (OA) on conferences related to the Flexit 2015 project

2018 Cordeiro, C. M. The 9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, IRMBAM-2018, Nice, France. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. The 27th annual RESER (European Association for REsearch on SERvices) Conference 2017, Bilbao, Spain. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2017 Cordeiro, C. M. 21-24 Jun. EURAM 2017 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. The 26th annual RESER (European Association for REsearch on SERvices) Conference 2016, Naples, Italy. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2016 Cordeiro C. M. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT2016), Bangkok, Thailand. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2016 Cordeiro, C. M. Responsible Business Forum (RBF) on Sustainable Development 2016, Singapore: The global complexity challenge and the role of economic institutions. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2015 Cordeiro, C. M. The 21st International Robot Exhibition (iREX 2015) NEDO Robot Forum, Tokyo. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro. Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.

2015 Cordeiro, C. M. The 21st International Robot Exhibition (iREX 2015) Robot Summit, Tokyo. Internet resource at Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, . Retrieved 23 Aug. 2018.